The Great Reset: And the War for the World


The Great Reset: And the War for the World

The Great Reset: And the War for the World

Book by Alex Jones





Publisher : Skyhorse (August 30, 2022) Language : English Hardcover : 264 pages ISBN-10 : 1510774041 ISBN-13 : 978-1510774049 Item Weight : 14.7 ounces Dimensions : 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches Best Sellers Rank: #2,563 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #2 in Communication & Media Studies #6 in Political Commentary & Opinion #8 in Political Corruption & Misconduct , In  The Great Reset: And the War for the World , the most controversial man on earth Alex Jones gives you a full analysis of The Great Reset, the global elite's international conspiracy to enslave humanity and all life on the planet. If you really want to know what’s happening in the world, this is the one book you must read now. Alex Jones is the most censored man on the planet and you should ask yourself why that is. There is a powerful authoritarian takeover in process that is seeking to capture the entire human system and turn it into an artificial factory farm controlled system. We are in a war for the future of the world. In this book, you will hear from the world’s elites, from their own mouths, what they are planning for you and your families and you will learn what you can do to fight it. From central bankers, corporate billionaires, and corrupted government officials, global elites have been organizing a historic war on humanity under a trans-humanist, scientific dictatorship. Alex Jones was the first major figure to expose the World Economic Forum’s agenda. He has dedicated the last 30 years of his life to studying The Great Reset, conducting tens of thousands of interviews with top-level scientists, politicians, and military officials in order to reverse engineer their secrets and help awaken humanity. The Great Reset: And the War for the World chronicles the history of the global elites' rise to power and reveals how they’ve captured the governments of the world and financed The Great Reset to pave the way for The New World Order. Once dubbed a conspiracy theory, but now openly promoted by the most powerful corporations and governments, The Great Reset is a planned attempt to redistribute all the world’s wealth and power into the hands of banks, corporations, billionaires, and The World Economic Forum. If you read one book in a lifetime, this is it. In  The Great Reset: And the War for the World , you will discover from the self-appointed controllers of the planet in their own words, their plan for what they call the final revolution, or The Great Reset. The only way this corporate fascist conspiracy can succeed is if the people of the world are not aware of it. And this book lays out their sinister blueprint and how to stop it. While many great books have been written to help awaken people to this sinister agenda, no author has ever spent as much time and research on The Great Reset as Alex Jones. T he Great Reset: And the War for the World  is the undisputed trailblazer for understanding what’s happening and how to stop it.  Read more





Alex Jones carries the title 'Most Banned Person on the Internet.' Powerful forces are working hard to keep Jones' reporting and analysis suppressed and censored. As the CEO of Twitter once blithely observed, it's not about free speech. It's about who is granted the privilege to speak. So long as the Constitution of the US is still in effect, however, we have a right to decide who speaks. And who we read and to whom we listen. It's up to all of us to decide for ourselves whether Jones has a meaningful contribution to make to the public conversation. This is a judgment only we as free citizens can make. The tech monopolies and the US corporate media cannot decide for us. They don't have that decision right. We as free American citizens decide who speaks, not Twitter executives. That said, the World Economic Forum (formerly Trilateral Commission) has been trading in some profoundly disturbing rhetoric about how the world should or could be organized. And how economics of food and energy should work. The picture that Klaus Schwab paints for our global future is in my estimation enough to make your blood run cold. Especially since the tragedy of Covid lockdowns and related mitigation efforts. And I say run cold assuming you value liberty, freedom and self-determination. Schwab and his loyal army of thought leaders (Bill Gates included) play a prominent role in Jones' book The Great Reset. Anyone who is interested in America's future on the world stage, or how the great conflicts we are watching play out will resolve themselves should read this book. Jones deftly uses the published words of Schwab and his minions against them. Surprisingly, their words (not Jones') form the core of this book. In effect, like Libs of TikTok, he presents their words and ideas unvarnished and lets you decide. He functions more as an aggregator than a reporter in this book. But when you see what is happening in Sri Lanka with the destruction of mechanized agriculture, you wonder. When we see what is happening in the Netherlands with farmers being forced off of their land, you wonder. When we see the brutal campaign waged against truckers in Canada, you wonder. Is Jones right? You wonder what is becoming of our world. If you want to make sense of what is undermining our future prosperity, read Jones' book The Great Reset and the War for the World. Read it and decide for yourself.




The Great Reset: And the War for the World


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